Published by Australian Doctor, Australia
A cruise along the Brahmaputra River is a treat for wildlife enthusiasts and tea lovers. As the sun breaks over the far horizon and dew still hangs onto the long grassy stalks of the open plain, we swish our way towards a shape only our....
Category: <span>Print Media Article</span>
Ayurveda Auf Dem Wasser – Alles Im Fluss
Published by Wellnesslive, Spa Magazine, Germany
Go with the flow A river cruise on the Brahmaputra does not only give an insight into the pristine nature and culture of northern India, but also wellness for body and soul. It's dark, warm and humid, the body drips fragrant oil, pressed by nimble hands....
The Escape Through The River Brahmaputra
Published by Harper's Bazaar, Thailand
In brief, besides the explanation of the daily program and her life on board, the author made some important and very positive comments on the cruise operation as follows. On accommodation on the M V Mahabaahu, comparing....
Abenteuer Assam
Published by Adventure Magazine, Germany
abwechslungsreiche Flusskreuzfahrt auf dem Brahmaputra Lautlos schiebt die Kulisse sich vorbei, während ich an Deck meines Kreuzfahrschiffes die scheinbar leeren Sandbänke links......
Cruise The Brahmaputra & Assam With M.V. Mahabaahu
Published by Travel Around the World, Thailand
A column that appeared on the M V Mahabaahu in Travel Around the World Magazine Thailand, April 2015 issue. Travel Around the World is the leading Thai travel magazine and the cruise appears on the front page as well as published as the cover story....
Indien – Ein Land Der Kulturellen Vielfalt, Natur, Abenteuer Und Überraschungen
Published by Gour-med, Germany
Reisende die zum ersten Mal nach Indien wollen sind erstaunt über den hohen, oft doppelten, bürokratischen Aufwand der zu überwinden ist um in das Land zu kommen. Schon der Versuch das erforderliche Visa zu bekommen ist ein....
Tiger, Tiger… And Many More Surprises As We Float Along
Published by The Senior Traveller, Australia
Cruising quietly on the Brahmaputra River in India is not where you might expect to sight your first tiger. I’d been to tiger camps before but sadly all I ever saw was evidence of where they’d been: claw scratch marks on trees, scats and even paw
Viaggio Ad Assam, Lungo Le Sponde Del Brahmaputra
Published by Master Meeting, Italy
Una destinazione dell'India ancora poco conosciuta ma straordinariamente ricca di fascino e attrattive. A partire dal fiume che l'attraversa, definito per origini, dimensioni e percorso, il Mighty River.
L’India Del Brahmaputra
Published by L'Agenzia de Viaggi, Italy
In Assam, nel Nord-Est dell’India, 12 regioni – dette anche le dodici sorelle – sono bagnate dalle acque sacre del figlio di Brahma, che le attraversa con un percorso mai uguale, cambiandone i confini di continuo prima di entrare
AITTC Newsletter, Jul-Aug 2014
Published by AITTC, Australia
“If winter comes can spring be far behind” - Shelley While looking forward to nice and warm spring, we welcome readers to another issue of our bulletin with several inspiring news on the Australia-India Travel & Tourism front.
Below are some of the awards won by us.