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Sadhyas – The Fabulous Feasts Of Kerala

Sadhyas – The Fabulous Feasts Of Kerala

There is a huge list of things that can make a Malayalee start to smack their lips, and stat salivating, as they begin to anticipate a gastronomic experience. Among the top tiers of these items is a full blown sadhya.....

The Ancient Art of Kalaripayattu

The Ancient Art of Kalaripayattu

Kalaripayattu - The combat where the mind takes over the body and creates art, not war
Kalaripayattu, a fabulous form of martial arts originated in a part of the world which is renowned for its mythological and mystical background. A land that is vibrant with a diverse culture and a combination of many religions

The River Brahmaputra – What it Means to Assam

The River Brahmaputra – What it Means to Assam

A mighty river is like a beautiful love letter with expressions of passion and romance in each of its ebb and flow. And what can be a better example than the river Brahmaputra! The river is a flowing example of constant life filled with scenic and spiritual beauty while brilliantly highlighting the environmental fragility for its surrounding flora and fauna.

Five Incredible Festivals Of Kerala

Five Incredible Festivals Of Kerala

Kerala with its colourful, vibrant and buoyant festivals is one of the most culturally rich regions of India. If you love the pomp and splendour of Indian festivals then Kerala is the perfect place for you to visit. Here are the five incredible festivals of Kerala, that travellers should experience at least once.

Do You Know About Bihu? Assam’s Iconic Harvest Festival

Do You Know About Bihu? Assam’s Iconic Harvest Festival

Assam is one of the most beautiful, serene and vibrant states of India which is not only rich in nature, culture and tradition but extremely diverse in its festivities. In India, festivals have a long history of bringing the community together and celebrating a life which is especially important in these modern times.

Assam: A Tea Lover’s Paradise

Assam: A Tea Lover’s Paradise

Imagine yourself, almost forgetting the concept of time, amidst widely spread tea gardens. Where the tea leaves are being plucked for your morning tea. Dreamy isn’t it? Turn this dream of yours into reality while you’re in Assam, a paradise which is filled with lush and refreshing tea gardens.





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