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Kumartuli’s Artisans: Molding Tradition into Divinity

Kumartuli’s Artisans: Molding Tradition into Divinity


Nestled in the heart of Kolkata, the narrow lanes of Kumartuli come alive with the rhythmic sounds of chisels and the earthy scent of clay, giving birth to a unique art form that transcends generations – idol making. The artisans of Kumartuli, with their skilled hands and unwavering dedication, transform humble clay into divine manifestations that grace the grand festivities of India. Join us on a journey into the world of Kumartuli’s idol makers, where tradition meets artistic prowess.

Crafting Deities from Clay:

Kumartuli, literally translated as the “Potters’ Quarter,” is a hub of creativity where skilled artisans shape clay into intricately detailed idols of gods and goddesses. The process begins months before the grand celebrations of Durga Puja, as the artisans meticulously mold and sculpt each figure, infusing life into the clay with devotion and artistic finesse.

Generations of Expertise:

At the core of Kumartuli’s artisan community lies a legacy of craftsmanship passed down through generations. Families of idol makers, each with their unique style and expertise, contribute to the rich tapestry of this artistic enclave. The skills, honed over years, are a testament to the artisans’ deep connection with their craft and an unbroken link to tradition.

From Clay to Divinity:

The transformation of raw clay into divine forms involves a multi-step process. Wooden frames provide structure, straw and clay are molded to create the body, and layers of clay are meticulously added to sculpt intricate details. The idols are then sun-dried, painted, and adorned with vibrant garments, breathing life into the deities that will soon grace pandals and homes across the city.

A Festival of Faces:

Kumartuli is renowned not only for its Durga Puja idols but also for crafting deities for various festivals like Kali Puja, Saraswati Puja, and more. Each face, with its expressive eyes and serene countenance, reflects the mastery of the artisans who infuse divine grace into their creations. The idols become a focal point of religious fervor and community celebration.

Challenges and Innovations:

While tradition remains the bedrock of Kumartuli’s artistry, the artisans also adapt to changing times. Innovations in materials and techniques are embraced to enhance the durability and aesthetics of the idols. Yet, the essence of handcrafted artistry, passed down through the ages, remains at the heart of Kumartuli’s creative process.

Beyond the Festivals:

Kumartuli’s idol makers are not confined to the boundaries of religious celebrations. Their artistry extends to creating sculptures for cultural events, films, and exhibitions, showcasing the versatility and adaptability of their craft beyond traditional festivities.


In Kumartuli, where clay meets creativity, the artisans are the custodians of a living tradition that bridges the gap between the earthly and the divine. Through their skilled hands and unwavering dedication, they transform humble materials into objects of veneration, bringing communities together in celebration. The idols of Kumartuli are not just sculptures; they are embodiments of culture, art, and the enduring spirit of a craft that has withstood the test of time.

MV Mahabaahu offers these and more experience as part of its 23 nights India Bangladesh Upstream Cruise and 23 nights India Bangladesh Dowstream Cruise . This is an expedition form of cruising on the mighty Brahmaputra that flows into multiple rivers. MV Mahabaahu is a 23 cabin (2 suites, 2 Luxury Cabins and 7 Deluxe Cabins with private balconies and 12 Superior cabins with large picture windows.) motor vessel.

The 23 nights cruise is between Guwahati in the State of Assam India and Kolkata in the State of West Bengal India. Airport connectivity is available at both the ports.

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