• WPCS 2.1.3

Year: <span>2014</span>

Home / 2014

India’s Best-Kept Secret

Published by Cruise Weekly, Australia
Away from the much-visited and crowded major sites of India, Kerala remains a rather unknown and less-visited area. Rich in microcosms of Indian history and culture, Kerala is a true treasure....

L’India Del Brahmaputra

L’India Del Brahmaputra

Published by L'Agenzia de Viaggi, Italy
In Assam, nel Nord-Est dell’India, 12 regioni – dette anche le dodici sorelle – sono bagnate dalle acque sacre del figlio di Brahma, che le attraversa con un percorso mai uguale, cambiandone i confini di continuo prima di entrare

AITTC Newsletter, Jul-Aug 2014

AITTC Newsletter, Jul-Aug 2014

Published by AITTC, Australia
“If winter comes can spring be far behind” - Shelley While looking forward to nice and warm spring, we welcome readers to another issue of our bulletin with several inspiring news on the Australia-India Travel & Tourism front.

River Life

River Life

Published by Australian House & Garden, Australia
A leisurely boat ride down a holy river in north-east India opens your eyes, and mind, to life-changing sights, writes Tricia Welsh. Tiger!” We are cruising along the eastern edge of Kaziranga National Park in north-eastern India when.....

On Track In Assam

On Track In Assam

Published by The Australian, Australia
In darkest, pre-dawn India, a mod- ern-day maharaja’s hunting party departs in a dozen shiny people movers. Forty foreign explorers rumbling along the roads of rural Assam in the country’s remote northeast. Only foxes and rabbits are awake.....

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