Published by Cruise Weekly, Australia
Away from the much-visited and crowded major sites of India, Kerala remains a rather unknown and less-visited area. Rich in microcosms of Indian history and culture, Kerala is a true treasure....
Year: <span>2014</span>
Assam: Cruising The Mystic Brahmaputra River Mystic River
Published by Outlook Traveller, India
Even in its winter repose, the Brahmaputra is an awe-inspiring expanse. Sanchita Gupta charts a luxury course between Jorhat and Guwahati, sampling culture and wildlife along the way.
Ten Places You’d Never Expect To Visit On A Cruise
Published by The Telegraph, Travel Cruises, UK
Along the Sepik River: Papua New Guinea My first sight of the Sepik was from the air. It looped across the land in great festive bows.
Assam: Extraordinary Little-Known Travel Destination In India
Published by eTurboNews, USA
(eTN) - Assam is a little-known Indian destination full of charm and attractions. Starting from the Brahmaputra River running through it, the area is defined by origin, size and the course of this mighty river.
Brahmaputra River Cruise: Afloat In The Shadow Of The Himalayas
Published by The Telegraph, Travel Cruises, UK
The baby elephant that had been trailing its mother since the start of our safari began squealing, panic in its tone. Mum – on whose back I was riding – responded with loud trumpeting and headed into the long elephant grass after her baby.
Viaggio Ad Assam, Lungo Le Sponde Del Brahmaputra
Published by Master Meeting, Italy
Una destinazione dell'India ancora poco conosciuta ma straordinariamente ricca di fascino e attrattive. A partire dal fiume che l'attraversa, definito per origini, dimensioni e percorso, il Mighty River.
L’India Del Brahmaputra
Published by L'Agenzia de Viaggi, Italy
In Assam, nel Nord-Est dell’India, 12 regioni – dette anche le dodici sorelle – sono bagnate dalle acque sacre del figlio di Brahma, che le attraversa con un percorso mai uguale, cambiandone i confini di continuo prima di entrare
AITTC Newsletter, Jul-Aug 2014
Published by AITTC, Australia
“If winter comes can spring be far behind” - Shelley While looking forward to nice and warm spring, we welcome readers to another issue of our bulletin with several inspiring news on the Australia-India Travel & Tourism front.
River Life
Published by Australian House & Garden, Australia
A leisurely boat ride down a holy river in north-east India opens your eyes, and mind, to life-changing sights, writes Tricia Welsh. Tiger!” We are cruising along the eastern edge of Kaziranga National Park in north-eastern India when.....
On Track In Assam
Published by The Australian, Australia
In darkest, pre-dawn India, a mod- ern-day maharaja’s hunting party departs in a dozen shiny people movers. Forty foreign explorers rumbling along the roads of rural Assam in the country’s remote northeast. Only foxes and rabbits are awake.....
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